About us

Our initiative and objectives

Our initiative

At ICSI we generate multidisciplinary innovation while promoting multi-level incidence among a diversity of social actors. Our mission is to contribute to territorial transformation through our work and social expertise.


To articulate reflections and exchanges based on evidence

Much of the content on social management, sustainability, and territorial development remains in the field of the theoretical or the empirical, losing the necessary connection between them. At ICSI we promote reflections and exchanges between these areas and their disciplines systemically, identifying new research topics and developing tools that allow global problems to be articulated with territorial dynamics.

To consolidate local research networks

The creation and consolidation of articulated, inclusive and diverse networks between research and local initiatives is our second commitment. We believe that the need for bridges between the theoretical and the practical to promote sustained development in the territories.

To strengthen capacities with training cycles

We have been contributing to social development in the world for more than 10 years. Our journey has shown us that knowledge and learning come largely from sharing and disseminating challenges, lessons learned and good practices. This is why we develop and implement training cycles on innovative topics, associated with our network of learning territories.

To mobilize agents for social change

We take reflections and network-strengthening one step further. We generate and share social content of high value and impact, making it inclusive and accessible to forge and mobilize change agents and territorial dynamisers. We generate transformations through people.

Action lines


Leading transformations in inspiring territories

Our training and leadership methodology accompanies public and private organizations, seeking deep and disruptive transformations, leading them toward new approaches to sustainability and territorial development. Learn more about our work.


Weaving networks, building change and learning

We facilitate events and participatory networks with different actors, prioritizing dissemination and collective learning around global dynamics that transform territorial realities.


Putting social impact at the center of our work

We research innovative topics of the highest social priority, such as the just energy transition, the social impacts of the race towards carbon neutrality, the social dimension of climate change adaptation and biodiversity conservation, and new ways of thinking about governance and territorial development, among others. We generate impactful content to share ideas, learning, and proposals in a different, accessible, and timely manner.

Alliances and articulations

Innovation and social research

We work together with Insuco’s Institute for Social Research in Africa (IFSRA), amplifying its reach towards Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean. We have been working hand in hand since 2022 to promote South-South cooperation.

Additionally, at ICSI we build valuable alliances with universities and think tanks globally, keeping us at the forefront of innovation and the construction of knowledge.

Global agendas and local transformations

We promote the articulation between the priority themes of the Global agenda (climate change, energy transition, critical minerals, etc.) and the dynamics of territorial development.

Our Observatories of Territorial Transformations (OTT) are a great example as they promote data transparency, long-term territorial planning, and the generation of early warnings on relevant and urgent issues.

Entrepreneurial and territorial leadership

At ICSI we have a Learning Network on Sustainability and Territorial Development for the mining sector. This network, active since 2019, emerged from a Learning Tour carried out with the support of the Ford Foundation in the territory of “Los Encuentros” in Ecuador.

The network is assembled between business leaders, territorial promoters, experts from different unions, and areas of knowledge; who meet to reflect and share lessons learned about the application of approaches or methodologies in the territories where they are present.

The team

Guillen Calvo

Guillén Calvo Valderrama

Insuco’s General director for Latin America and the Caribbean, president of the Diversity and Development Foundation, and co-president of the Origin, Diversity and Territories Forum. Agro-economist and geographer from the Sorbonne University, Paris.

Guillén has worked for international organizations (UNESCO, Bioversity International, World Bank) on cooperation projects and the management of intergovernmental platforms, linking scientific research and political decision-making.

Guillén is an expert in sustainability and the territorial approach to corporate social responsibility. For the last 15 years he has focused his work on Latin America and Africa, focusing on the definition of innovative models of governance and collective action between private companies, communities and government, in various projects in more than 10 countries.

Also, Guillén is a professor at several universities in Latin America and a frequent speaker at international forums. He has published several articles on the topics of conflict transformation, multi-actor dialogue, and territorial and corporate responsibility.


Diana Méndez del Aguila

Executive Director for Latin America and the Caribbean Insuco. Economist, MBA from the University of Manchester, United Kingdom, specializing in Behavioral Economics and Business Strategy.

Diana has over 10 years of experience in the design and management of sustainable development projects in various sectors such as infrastructure and construction, fishing, transportation, cement, mining, and telecommunications for public and private organizations.

As a consultant, Diana has directed and coordinated the implementation of sustainability strategies, strengthening the value chain, as well as impact evaluations and baselines, and the strengthening of relationships and participation of local interest groups in several countries in South America.

Our work is carried out in coordination with the teams from the different Insuco Offices globally.