Forum “Social acceptance of wind projects and energy communities in La Guajira”

12 September, 2023 | AGENDA ICSI

The Insuco Center for Social Innovation (ICSI), in alliance with Insuco, SEI (Stockholm Environmental Institute), and the University of La Guajira, invites you to the forum: Social Acceptance of Wind Projects and Energy Communities in La Guajira.

The Forum will take place on September 14 in Room 6111 of the University of La Guajira and will have a live broadcast through the following link:


La Guajira has established itself as the spearhead of the energy transition in Colombia due to its world-class wind and solar resources. In the short term, 16 wind farms are expected to come into operation along with new transmission infrastructure, which represents around 13% of the installed capacity in Colombia. La Guajira is also among the regions of Colombia with the largest indigenous population, especially from the Wayúu ethnic group in whose territory most of the wind projects will be located. However, the projects in La Guajira face serious difficulties in their implementation related mainly to justice and equity concerns. Some of these concerns revolve around aspects such as access to information, environmental and social, and cultural impacts, conflicts over land use, the limited capacity of the regional public sector, and the legitimacy of prior consultation processes, among others. that have generated various blockages and delays in projects.

This forum will serve to share challenges and approaches around the social acceptance and sustainability of these projects. The ICSI as a platform for territorial learning and advocacy seeks to weave bridges between actors to rethink the articulation between the sustainability of private investment projects and territorial sustainability.


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